The pure active ingredients in thispest control collarfor pets are carried naturally by thenatural oils in their skin, distributing the formula throughout their coat to keeppests.
By neutralizing thedisease-carryingparasites yourdogmay have, you allow him to play more, live more, and enjoy his time with you more without having to worry aboutannoying and potentially deadlyinsects.
The benefits of the flea collar
Eradicates dangerous parasites in a natural and safe way
No more fleas or ticks.
A happier life for your beloved pet
Save time and money in the long run
A few seconds are enough to attach thisflea collarand thus protect your pet for a period of 8 months.
Thanks to thisanti-pest collarwith essential oils, prevent your pet from suffering from itching and contaminating other animals in the home, without danger to their health.